This is my first post as a blogger! I don't have a clue what I'm doing so please bear with me. It will probably take some time to get things organised so if you read this, please come back and check how I'm doing at this.
I'm really excited to get this going since I believe God has a great thing to do on our farm and I'm eager to get the word out to folks like you. I am going to publish this blog as a conduit for God to use as He sees fit. The vision I have for this may, and probably will, change as God molds my mind through the input I hope to get from you, the readers of this page, my partners in this venture (more about this later) and mostly from being obedient to the Holy Spirit who is head of the whole thing.
If you are a Christian, please pray for us and for our farm and come back soon. I promise to keep at this so, hopefully, you will be able to see the unique vision that God has given me for this farm. It is my hope and prayer that I will find some people who will share in the vision with me. This can be a huge opportunity for some, and a way to touch and enrich the lives of many.
Now back to trying to figure this blogging thing out . . .